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International Gullah Geeche And African Diaspora Conference

Without Borders: Tracing the Cultural, Archival and Political African Diaspora | South Carolina | March 4-7, 2020

The Charles W. Joyner Institute for Gullah and African Diaspora Studies at Coastal Carolina University, Conway, South Carolina will be holding its second International Gullah Geechee and African Diaspora Conference on March 4-7, 2020. This year’s theme will focus on the politics and mechanics of digitizing and preserving the African Diaspora. The IGGAD 2020 conference's theme Without Borders: Tracing the Cultural, Archival and Political African Diaspora will bring together academics and practitioners from interdisciplinary areas of study, who offer their ground-breaking contributions in the form of scholarly papers, films, performances and spoken poetry. We will hold a Gullah Geechee Community Day in collaboration with the City of Conway on Saturday, March 7. Those submitting session proposals will be asked if they would be interested in developing a presentation for general audiences for that community day.

CIES 2020: Education Beyond The Human

CIES Education Beyond the Human | Miami, Fl | March 22-26, 2020

We live in a moment of epochal precarity, amidst irreversible environmental catastrophe that is impacting all life on Earth. Signaling the end of human exceptionalism, this era calls for an urgent redefinition of what it is to be human and a reconfiguration of the relationship between human and Earth. How should education respond to a world of shifting planetary boundaries and collapsing ecosystems? What education policies, practices, and pedagogies can help re-situate the human within the relational flow of life where everyone and everything – both human and non-human – are deeply interconnected? How can we learn to responsibly encounter and fully engage with a more than human world?

World Education Research Association Focal Meeting 2020

WERA Conference | Galicia, Spain | July 1-3, 2020

The WERA 2020 Focal Meeting will be held in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, from 1st to 3rd July 2020. The main theme of the meeting will be Networking Education: Diverse Realities, Common Horizons. The Meeting is an integral part of the 17th Spanish & 9th Ibero-American Education Conference, organized by the Spanish Pedagogical Society (SEP) and the University of Santiago de Compostela. As one of the founding members of WERA, the Spanish Pedagogical Society is pleased to host this event.

The WERA Focal Meeting seeks to feature research that includes more than one country or is comparative, cross-cultural, international, or transnational in conceptualization, scope, or design. The WERA 2020 Focal Meeting will consist of a program of paper, posters and symposia sessions on topics of world-wide extent.

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Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program

The Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program (CADFP) is a scholar fellowship program for educational projects at African higher education institutions. Offered by IIE in collaboration with the United States International University-Africa (USIU-Africa), the program is funded by a grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY). A total of 387 African Diaspora Fellowships have been awarded for scholars to travel to Africa since the program’s inception in 2013. The Fall 2020 competition will likely open in October and close in December.

The National Academy of Education/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship

The National Academy of Education/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship Program supports 30 early career scholars working in critical areas of education research. These $70,000 fellowships support non-residential postdoctoral proposals that make significant scholarly contributions to the field of education. The program also develops the careers of its recipients through professional development activities involving National Academy of Education members. Deadlines each year vary, but are likely to be in Mid-November.

Killiam Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

The Killam Scholarship and Prize Programs were established in memory of Izaak Walton Killam through the Will of his wife, Dorothy Johnston Killam, and through gifts made during her lifetime. Their primary purpose is to support advanced education and research at five Canadian universities and the Canada Council for the Arts. The UBC Killam Postdoctoral Research Fellowships are provided annually from the Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Fund for Advanced Studies and are available for most fields of research. It was Mrs. Killam's desire that those selected to receive fellowships: "be likely to contribute to the advancement of learning or to win distinction in a profession. The number of new awards offered each year presently varies between three and five. The annual Value is around a $50,000 stipend for a maximum of two years, plus a travel research allowance of $4,000 over two years. Deadlines vary depending on university departments.

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Provide Or Recommend Content For ADC's PK-College Curriculum Development Projects

The African Diaspora Consortium’s curriculum development efforts aim to provide a space for students to examine the many themes, perspectives, events, and impact of the African Diaspora. In the AP Seminar course, students are given an introduction to conducting independent analysis of complex ideas across various disciplines. The goal of the class is to provide students with the tools to evaluate information accurately and make compelling, evidence-based arguments. Students in lower grades will be equipped with curriculum that helps to build those same skills. Scholars are currently working on curriculum to serve students in lower grades as well. Get involved.

Join ADC's International Research Network

Our International Research Network has questions, and we’re working hard to answer them. What is a neo-definition of the African Diaspora in its current context?Why is there a paucity of data on African descendant populations around the globe? What are powerful and positive practices that are happening across the Diaspora in economics, education, politics, and the arts that can be beneficial and shared, and why are the positive practices left unexplored? What and how do we teach and how do students learn similarly across the African Diaspora about their commonalities and differences? How can individuals and countries benefit from these positive lessons/ discovered outcomes? How do we use the gaps in economic and educational outcomes to globalize the struggle and influence social justice? Help with research.

Conduct, Join Or Request Partnerships In A Research Project

Our scholars are working on a number of research initiatives focusing on both region-specific issues as well as issues that impact the African Diaspora at large. Our scholars bring theory and scholarship to practice in areas that range from education to economics. We present at conferences and events that welcome well researched, new age solutions for how to create educational success and outcomes for African descendent populations. Advance the field.