Provide Or Recommend Content For ADC's PK-College Curriculum Development Projects

The African Diaspora Consortium’s curriculum development efforts aim to provide a space for students to examine the many themes, perspectives, events, and impact of the African Diaspora. In the AP Seminar course, students are given an introduction to conducting independent analysis of complex ideas across various disciplines. The goal of the class is to provide students with the tools to evaluate information accurately and make compelling, evidence-based arguments. Students in lower grades will be equipped with curriculum that helps to build those same skills. Scholars are currently working on curriculum to serve students in lower grades as well. Get involved.

Join ADC's International Research Network

Our International Research Network has questions, and we’re working hard to answer them. What is a neo-definition of the African Diaspora in its current context?Why is there a paucity of data on African descendant populations around the globe? What are powerful and positive practices that are happening across the Diaspora in economics, education, politics, and the arts that can be beneficial and shared, and why are the positive practices left unexplored? What and how do we teach and how do students learn similarly across the African Diaspora about their commonalities and differences? How can individuals and countries benefit from these positive lessons/ discovered outcomes? How do we use the gaps in economic and educational outcomes to globalize the struggle and influence social justice? Help with research.

Conduct, Join Or Request Partnerships In A Research Project

Our scholars are working on a number of research initiatives focusing on both region-specific issues as well as issues that impact the African Diaspora at large. Our scholars bring theory and scholarship to practice in areas that range from education to economics. We present at conferences and events that welcome well researched, new age solutions for how to create educational success and outcomes for African descendent populations. [Advance the field.]